Khadan Arulaq

Last of a lost tribe

Age: 30's

Hair: Blue to ashy-white

Orientation: Straight

Height: 6 fulm, 9 ilms

Eyes: Silver-Blue rings

Status: Single Father

Body Type: Toned, Fit

Guardian: Nhaama, The Dusk Mother and the Kami

Residence: Shirogane or Ul'Dah

Birth Place: Tail Mountains; Azim Steppe

Occupation: Ronin, Huntsman, Freeblade

Company Affiliation: None currently

[ The Past ]

Like almost all Xaela, Khadan is a child of the Steppes though with one major difference. His tribe, long thought vanished had instead made their way deep into the Tail Mountains of the Steppe's Northern edge and settled within a verdant hidden valley. There they thrived for many generations; content to let the Steppes forget about them while they defended their home with a savage zeal, perpetuating myths and legends of the Mountains being haunted by vengeful ghosts and demons.As all great things perhaps it was never fated to last. A Garlean expeditionary force seeking a rare treasure that the Xaela tribe were protecting invaded their valley with guns and magitek. While the Arulaq fought valiantly and sold their lives dearly, in the end they couldn't fend off the concerted surprise attack of the Imperials.Khadan having been a young protector of the village, a Sohei, barely survived the attack while losing everyone else including his sister. To his knowledge he is the only one of his people left. Swearing vengeance of his people's slaughter he set out on a bloody crusade, fighting Imperials wherever he could and getting involved in conflicts that were not his own. Only when he realized that he was becoming the monster he saw them as did he leave it behind and join the Doman Exodus to Eorzea to start a new life.

[ The Present ]

Currently he has found himself alone again save for his six year old daughter. He has returned to the life of a freeblade or mercenary to provide for his child. He dedicates his life to his daughter and living by the ethics he was taught as a Samurai while making the most of this second life he's found.

art by Drathe

[ Home ]

[ OOC ]

art by SteelQ


Timezone: CST
Availability: Early to very late evenings - think 5pm to 1-AM.
RP Preference/Style: I'm flexible really though I do appreciate detail and vivid description. This tends to lend me towards para but dynamically adapting to the situation for the situation is always fine!Thematic Preference: Mature, story driven, and deep plots. I never shy from dark and mature themes.Roleplay Boundaries: Crippling injury and Death. Anything else is on the table as long as it's discussed before hand and makes sense give the context of the story we're telling.Outside of RP: I've been screwing around in 14 since the start of 2.0 and have been an omni crafter/gathering since then. I enjoy content and just general hanging out. If you need help with things like running dungeons or crafting/gathering etc I'm happy to do what I can within reason!Contact: Dovahbadger#0981 on discord, or in game at Khadan Arulaq @ Mateus.

art by YuberG